2021 Theme Weekends

We are optimistically planning for a return to fun filled, enjoyable summer. Our food related activities are back along with some of our more touchy-feely activities. Safety is still a major concern. Cancellations or changes will occur if required.
Camp Davis offers a variety of activities. Our deck, at the heated pool, is the place to be! Sun worshipers will enjoy the extended deck with tables, chairs and chaise lounges. We also offer shaded areas when its time to escape the rays! The "Pickle Path" hiking trail circles the entire property where you can enjoy nature by the stream and under the canopy of lush Maples and Pine trees. You can play volleyball, grill at the picnic pavilion or even take a nap under a tree. On holiday weekends, we host potluck picnics. The campground provides the meat and our seasonals and visiting guests participate by bringing a side dish. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken are the normal menu, except for our 4th of July annual "Pig Roast"! These celebrations usually occur poolside - weather permitting.
Our theme weekends offer a chance to show off your creativity and let the craziness out!! Come & join the fun with us as our 31st season begins! Check out our Events calendar, schedule your vacation time, reserve your spot, & get your butt to camp!
Make your reservations early. Sites fill up quickly! Several options to choose from.
See Sites & Rates page for more details

April 19 Public Opening - 9 am
24 Polar Plunge: Be the first to take a dip in the pool. Come' on be brave!!
No worries mate - it'll un-shrivel. Music by DJ Lethal666.
May 1 Premature Cinco - Oooops!: Sponsored by our own Bob & Paul. Don your attire,
grab your partner & practice your Latin rhythms for music played by DJ Ray. Work
up an appetite for some refreshing adult beverages and Mexican snacks,
compliments of our hosts.
8 Happy Mother's Day...........Karen: Inspired by, probably, the worst mother in
America! Its your chance to look, act & be Karen! What fun! It's like Turrets, but not! DJ Ray on duty!
15 Blast from the Past: Pay tribute to your favorite time - eon, century or decade. Dress up & request your favorite music from Lethal666.
22 Curse of the Cocktails: Select a brew to bring, We'll review & winners will get a prize
or two. Don't Worry! The curse won't affect DJ Ray.
Memorial Day Weekend.
29 Potluck Dinner - 4 pm: Please bring your favorite picnic side dish to share. Weather permitting, we'll dine at the pool. (A Camp Davis sponsored event)
29 Passion of the Pink, Flamingo: Think Pink; drink, attire & feathers! Bring your nest & hunker on down. Eggs are fun, so says DJ Lethal666.
30 Camo/Military/Uniform: Salute the military, the working stiff, and hide from "prying" eyes in your favorite camouflage. I always feel like some body is watching me. How about you? Paranoia? What will CrazyBob w/Pass the Mic wear to work???
June 5 Pittsburgh Pride - Celebrate our history and individual uniqueness with our
own DJ, and self-imposed, "Sweet but Psycho!"
12 FOAM in your Undies! Better than in your mouth! So much gaggin' and
spitting, Really girl! Club PIT is joining us to enjoy the fun & DJ Ray's spinning.
20 Do-A-Daddy: On Fathers Day, what better way to show appreciation? You
think Sweet but Psycho! will go crazy w/the tunes - yeah, me too!
26 Leather & Levi's: Dance to the music & strut your stuff for our Camp Davis Mr. Leather 2021. Vote determined
at midnight by crowd participation! Lethal & Leather look alike, but Lethal666 will burn your leather off.
July Fourth Weekend
3 Luau: Bring your grass skirt, & tacky hula shirt. Speaking on behalf of our DJ
Crazy Bob w/Pass the Mic, it's time for coconut inspection!
4 Annual Pig Roast - 4pm - Please bring your favorite picnic side dish to share. Weather permitting, we'll dine at the pool. (A Camp Davis sponsored event)
4 Holiday Dance - Red, White & Blue: Celebrate our Independence in color. Sweet but Psycho! will keep you movin' on the dancefloor.
10 Don't Mesh w/Me: Try on a mesh fetish. See how it fits. Dont "mesh" the
music up, Sweet but Psycho!
17 Naked FOAM: Need I say moe?? I think not. Ray the DJ will say it for us.
24 Illuminary: A celebration of light. Any and all lights. Thx for the music, Ray!
31 Xmas-2-NYE: We combining two holidays into one special night. We'll have our annual gift exchange 8pm, Rec Hall, dancing with Lethal666, and culminate the evening with a New Year's Eve midnight toast.
Aug 6-8 OMG! Nude-lympics. Sponsored by, our good friends, John & Chris
06 Roman-Greco Toga Party - poolside - 9pm to midnight w/DJ Ray
07 Gay Games of Davis, poolside, afternoon. Medal presentation later in Rec Hall.
08 Black Light Body Paint - evening - Rec Hall. Paint a friend or have an on-site
artist do a "quickie" for ya. Paint supplies provided by camp. Have fun!
Who will paint DJ, Sweet but Psycho!...?
14 Jockstrap: Fun & revealing! Burn the jocks off, Lethal666, please?
20th - 22nd Bear Weekend: A very popular weekend, so book early!
20 Bear Karaoke: by Pass the Mic. DJ - CrazyBob 9pm-11pm??
Midnight Bear Plunge: Cool off those hot, bear booty's!!
21 BEAR Games - poolside - afternoon
21 Bears in FOAM w/Bear awards at 11pm - Rec Hall. Sweet but Psycho!, DJ.
22 Bye, Bye Bears - Catered breakfast - 10am - Rec Hall
(Catered by Family Tradition Restaurant)
28 Bathhouse DJ Ray will entertain us & our visitors: Club PIT and Party Naked Pittsburgh.
Labor Day Weekend
Sept 4 Working Men: Holiday dance. Dress in your favorite blue collar attire to celebrate the working man. Sweet but Psycho! will be a working man, as in... DJ work, man!
. 5 Hag Drag: holiday dance w/CrazyBob - Pass the Mic
Fingers & Cocks Progressive Appetizer & Cocktail party. 9-11pm
11 Fall Festival: Warm clothes, colorful leaves & spicy, spicy drinks. Lethal666's music
will keep it warm
18 Country Cow Poke': Our C/W weekend. Grab a cowboy & do what comes natural....? Boots, bolo, and beau! tap your toes to the 2-step, 3-step, country waltz, or a line dance.
25 Party in your Pants - Place an object in your pants and allow others to figure what it is. Go, go Sweet but Psycho!, go go....................................spin them "tunes!
Oct 2 A Time to Detox - Yeah, Right!! Its just too soon to quit drinking. The season is NOT yet over! Grab it, get it, & go.....! Run to the Rec Hall for Rays' music.
9 Masquerade.......You know the routine. Perhaps, Sweet but Psycho! can help?
16 Adios, Au'Reviour, Arevia Derchie! (Where's spellcheck when you need it?)
There is no theme or DJ services this weekend. It an opportunity to say goodbye
to friends and perhaps help them close up for the season.
17 Public Closing - 6pm